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I’m Martin Graziano

I am a graphic designer and art director from Argentina, currently based in Galicia, Spain.

My passion for art and forms were born from a very young age, drawing and creating in my house. I decided to continue on this path studying at the Fernando Fader art school and later, Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires, to later enhance my knowledge by studying Art Direction at the Higher Institute of Advertising (AAP).

With more than 20 years of experience in the world of work, I worked in different design studios, and as Art Director at the Cravero Lanis agency in Buenos Aires. I currently work independently and together with other studios in Argentina, Spain and Italy.


Betahaus - Carrer de Vilafranca, 7 08001,
Barcelona, Spain
VAT:ES B02880854


+32 479 510 873
+34 679 560 561
Buenos Aires:
+54 9 11 5708-4165